Taking many pointers from this great post by Rich Trouton a year ago, I wanted to write a followup to how I’m deploying macOS Sierra in my environment. I’ve followed a lot of the steps that Rich has outlined but it’s probably easier to describe the full set of steps I’m taking rather than describing the differences. Firstly I’m downloading the most recent version of the macOS Sierra installer from the App Store then running it through createOSXinstallPkg using the following command:}

An interesting little gotcha that I’ve found in my environment when using Active Directory (AD) to authenticate during the Device Enrolment Program (DEP) setup of a new Mac. When you turn on authentication in conjunction with DEP, it forces new macs to prompt for user credentials before you can proceed to setup a new Mac. I like using auth as it allows me to get user information from AD such as the users name, position, & team at enrolment with JAMF and means I can really customise their Mac setup.}

Hello Again

Finally moved my site away from Squarespace, a site which I haven’t blogged at since 2013 and the most recent activity was probably 2 years ago when I was podcasting on The Verse. Went with Jekyll hosted on GitHub Pages. As an aside, I’ve almost spent $1000 on something I hardly ever use. Code Highlighting #!/bin/bash echo "Well isn't this impressive" }

UPDATE: I’ve just modified the scripts to check if Logic Pro X is the frontmost app. If Logic is in the background, the functionality is the same, but if is the frontmost application, it adds a marker without switching applications.` I’ve been looking for a way to create a marker in Logic Pro X while podcasting without having Logic in the foreground at all times. After a bit of tinkering, I settled on an AppleScript that does the trick.}

I’ve really enjoyed the switch from LaunchBar to Alfred, right around the time that version 2 was released, bar one little niggle that I’ve encountered. I’ve dived head first into the Workflows Forum discovering neat and interesting ways of interacting with apps on my local Mac and even my Mac mini media server at home. One of the features that I haven’t used extensively, that little niggle, is Alfred’s File Selection.}

Building on Brett Terpstra’s link bundling service for Bit.ly, I thought I’d turn it into a PopClip extension. All you need to do is follow Brett’s instructions to install the service then install my PopClip extension and you should be good to go.Here are his instructions >“Installation and Configuration The installation takes a bit of effort, but it’s not too bad. You can install the Service by unzipping it and double-clicking the .}

This is a very quick post in reply to MacSparky’s ( David Sparks) post about how he achieves the little infinity (∞) permalink at the bottom of his pages. While there is nothing wrong with the way that he does it, using a little TextExpander snippet, there is a much quicker way to do it. All you need to do is open up the Blog Settings of the page that you want to add it to.}