Just some information on how to start a Screen Sharing or Back to My Mac (BTMM from now on) session from the command line. To launch a Screen Sharing session from the terminal on your local network, simply type open vnc://ip.address.of.computer:5900(this is the default Screen Sharing port) To launch into a BTMM session is a bit trickier. First we need to either find your iCloud Member number or the specific Macs BTMM IPv6 address.}

This all came about because of work. I got a call from a client that we regularly work with asking if it’s possible to consolidate his some 20 email accounts into one of his Google Apps accounts (this also works with regular Gmail accounts too) while still being able to reply and send from the individual addresses. As it turns out this can be quite tricky but I managed to find an article that outlined the steps perfectly, or so I thought to begin with.}

What happend this morning when I woke up to read my twitter feed? I saw a nice little note from @UseClear saying " Hello New Zealand and Australia :-)". What could this mean? Well, it meant that Clear, the todo app that has had quite a bit of hype surrounding it, had launched. After using it most of the morning I can say that the video does not do it justice and you need to download it and try it for yourself.}

To capture and keep track of all my notes I uses nvALT on the Mac and Notesy on my iPhone and iPad. I sync these two using Dropbox and it only takes a couple of minutes to set up. Before discovering Notesy I used Simplenote on iOS and syncronised nvALT with that but much prefer my current setup. Firstly I opened up the preferences of nvALT, turned off the Syncronization with Simple note and pointed it to read notes from a folder that I’d created on Dropbox.}

Changing audio sources

If you’re wanting to record audio on your Mac be it in a video or just straight audio and are trying to figure out why the quality may still be lacking after plugging in an external microphone, take a quick detour into your System Preferences and click onto the Sound Preference Pane. Then click on Input and select the source that you want to record from, in my case a Samson C01U USB microphone.}

Pretty simply tip here, all you need to do is edit a couple of config files and you’re good to go. You’ll want to shutdown Sick Beard before you do this as otherwise the changes don’t hold. Navigate to wherever you’ve got Sick Beard installed on your computer and open up the config.ini file located at /Sick\ Beard/config.ini On about line 121 you’ll find the Twitter section. What you want to change is the option marked twitter_prefix.}

This is just a quick post to explain how I am able to use Steve, my Mac mini server, to send custom notifications to myself and my fiancé Christina. I am in the process of a writeup on my entirely automated TV setup but that can wait for another day. Once my shows are downladed I set Hazel to renaming them and once complete they will be coloured blue. This sets off the next Hazel rule (note you need to have the new beta version to take advantage of nested rules which you can find here) that watches for files that are coloured blue and then, depending on the file name, will either send a notification email to Christina or myself.}

ConvertIt is another micro-app from developer  Sam Gray & interface designer Andrew Sullivan with one sole purpose. That is to take your images, whatever format they may be, and convert them into various other formats. That’s it really, just easy image conversion. When launched you are presented with a Dock and Menu Bar Icon. The only one which we need to worry about is the Menu Bar Icon as this is where the magic happens.}