So on Thursday I received the wonderful news that my custom earplugs were ready to be picked up. These little babies drop the outside noise level by 25dB (but can come in 9dB, and 15dB versions) so that at the end of the night after a long DJ set my ears won’t be ringing. These also help with annoying people who decide to shout right into my ears. Check them out here}

CDJ2000 & CDJ900

So released a mere 2 hours ago are the new CDJ2000 and CDJ900. They should be released around nov/dec and at a small price of US$2150 for the 2000 and US$1600 for the 900. I can’t wait till they are released and have a play with them. I better save up some money now. My only gripe with these two players is that they are only USB1… Why the hell Pioneer would only use USB1 in professional DJing equipment is beyond me but i can’t really do anything about that.}

So after snatching up a bargain at Threadless on the 9/09/09 sale, my t-shirts arrived yesterday :D yay, only took 2 business days from the US so I’m very impressed. The only problem being the t-shirts are too big and if i go a size down i think they’ll be too small so I’m just going to wash them then put them in the dryer to see how it all turns out.}


Just love my download speeds :D}

Just a quick one, I made, well this guy did anyway, a Farnsworth Communicator iPhone Ringtone. If you don’t know what a Farnsworth is, it’s a communication device used in the SyFy Original Series called Warehouse 13. Awesome show. You can download the ringtone it [Here]( 1.m4r). Enjoy}

1080p Output

So i discovered this since installing Snow Leopard, I had a problem with Leopard only outputting 1080i through a DVI-HDMI cable to my TV, but since upgrading, the new display settings tab gives me an option for 1080p output. Yay, I’m happy now.}

So just finished installing Snow Leopard onto my 17" MacBook Pro (Late 2008), all went well and only took about half an hour, even though it said it would take 1 hour. I even got back more than the 7GB of space which was a bonus :D. I’ve added some photos, and everything seems a lot more snappier, yay. Sorry for the crappy quality, they were taken on my 3G iPhone, and we all know that camera sucks just a tiny bit.}

Introductions please

As this is my first blog entry, I should probably explain what i will be using this blog for. This page is going to be where I write down details of everything that I come across of interest to me, whether it be rants about how I can’t get my bloody TPG internet to work for more than 20 minutes at a time, trying to figure out the quickest possible way to copy files to my FreeNAS, new and exciting DJing technologies, or even my passion for editing great video.}